First of all, this is the best I could find. However it needs to be better. I decided to switch from portfolio mobile due to many bugs.
Here is what this app is missing;
- App is not able download sector/industry info for a stock. You have to enter it manually.
- App is not able to have diffrent currencies for a portfolio folder, which prevents you from seeing your total net worth in a single currency. You can however, have different currency stock in a portfolio but no cash in different currencies.
- No Technical charting or charting of any kind for instruments. It just opens yahoo or google.
- There is no iOS version
I hope some these functions are added with future updates. This app has a lot of potential and has a great support. One day, I can see this app featured in a apple keynote! It does need to embrace Apple a bit more, icloud, iOS versions would be amazing and make lots of $
scuba_diver007 about Investoscope